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Build Create Version

Create new version of a Multiplay Hosting build

Authentication Required: Yes

ugs multiplay-hosting build create-version [<build-id>] [options]


<build-id> The ID of the build to create a new version for


project-id-p, --project-idThe Unity cloud project id
environment-e, --environment-nameThe services environment name
access key--access-keyThe Amazon Web Services (AWS) access key, for s3 bucket builds
bucket url--bucket-urlThe bucket url to use for the build version, for s3 or gcs bucket builds
build-version-name--build-version-nameThe name of the build version to create
service-account-json-file--service-account-json-fileThe path to the service account JSON file, for gcs builds
tag--tagThe container image tag to use for the build version, for container builds
directory--directoryThe directory of files to upload to the build version, for file upload builds
secret key--secret-keyThe Amazon Web Services (AWS) secret key, for s3 bucket builds
remove old files--remove-old-filesWhether to remove old files from the build version, for file upload builds
help-?, -h, --helpShow help and usage information
quiet-q, --quietReduce logging to a minimum
json-j, --jsonUse json as the output format