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Excludes are a way to restrict the scope of a Deployment Definition. Excludes only affect files or directories that it is responsible for. Excludes use glob pattern matching to match the contents of the excludePaths field and the files the Deployment Definition is responsible for.


Given the following file structure, there are multiple ways to exclude the contents of the /Tests/ folder.

├── DeployableAssets/
│ ├── CloudCode/
│ │ ├── CloudCode.ddef
│ │ ├── scriptA.js
│ │ ├── scriptB.js
│ │ └── Tests/
│ │ ├── scriptA_test.js
│ │ └── scriptB_test.js
│ └── Remote Config/
│ ├── RemoteConfig.ddef
│ ├── configA.rc
│ └── configB.rc

Glob Directory

A relative path can hide the whole /Tests/ directory.

"name": "CloudeCode",
"excludePaths": [

File Path

The full path to the files.

"name": "CloudeCode",
"excludePaths": [