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What is a Deployment Definition


A Deployment Definition (.ddef extension) file is a logical grouping of deployable assets that is based on its location in a directory. A Deployment Definition contains all files in its directory and sub-directories, unless another Deployment Definition is found. Only a single Deployment Definition may exist in a single directory.

Deployment Definition Structure

A deployment definition is represented by the following json. The name is used to give information when using Deployment Definitions with the UGS CLI. The excludePaths are used to give more flexibility to deployment definitions. More information can be found here.

"name": "example",
"excludePaths": [


Given the following hierarchy, the Deployment Definitions CloudCode.ddef, CloudCodeTests.ddef, and RemoteConfig.ddef would be responsible for the following files:

  • CloudCode.ddef
    • scriptA.js
    • scriptB.js
  • CloudCodeTests.ddef
    • scriptA.test.js
    • scriptB.test.js
  • RemoteConfig.ddef
    • configA.rc
    • configB.rc
├── DeployableAssets/
│ ├── CloudCode/
│ │ ├── CloudCode.ddef
│ │ ├── scriptA.js
│ │ ├── scriptB.js
│ │ └── Tests/
│ │ ├── CloudCodeTests.ddef
│ │ ├── scriptA_test.js
│ │ └── scriptB_test.js
│ └── Remote Config/
│ ├── RemoteConfig.ddef
│ ├── configA.rc
│ └── configB.rc