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Safely stores the Service Account Key ID and Secret key locally.

Interactive usage

By default, calling this command prompts you to enter your service account key-id and secret-key.

ugs login
Enter your key-id: <your-key-id>
Enter your secret-key: <your-secret-key>

Automated usage

You can automate login by using both the --service-key-id option and the --secret-key-stdin option.
The --service-key-id option expects your service account key-id as argument.
The --secret-key-stdin option expects your secret-key in the standard input.

ugs login --service-key-id "your-key-id" --secret-key-stdin < "secret-key-file"

Where "your-key-id" is your service account key-id, and "secret-key-file" is the path to a file containing your service account secret key.


key-id--service-key-idThe key-id of your service account. Must be used with "--secret-key-stdin".
secret-key--secret-key-stdinThe secret-key of your service account. Must be used with "--service-key-id".
help-?, -h, --helpDisplay help and usage information.
quiet-q, --quietReduce logging to a minimum.
json-j, --jsonUse JSON as the output format.

Environment Variables

Logging in with Environment Variables

To log in manually use the ugs login command.

To log in with system environment variables, set UGS_CLI_SERVICE_KEY_ID and UGS_CLI_SERVICE_SECRET_KEY to your system's environment variables.

Authenticated calls follow an order of priority for authentication:

local configuration > Service Account Key ID and Secret key environment variables