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Commands for Deployment Definition

Supported Commands

Deployment Definition supports the following commands: deploy, fetch.


Using the deploy command on a Deployment Definition will deploy all files it contains. All files that are excluded will be ignored. The exclusion of these files will be logged.

Deploy Sample Output

Here is a sample output for the following Deployment Definition and file structure. The command used is ugs deploy Assets/DeployableAssets/CloudCode.ddef.

"name": "CloudeCode",
"excludePaths": [
├── DeployableAssets/
│ ├── CloudCode/
│ │ ├── CloudCode.ddef
│ │ ├── scriptA.js
│ │ ├── scriptB.js
│ │ └── Tests/
│ │ ├── scriptA_test.js
│ │ └── scriptB_test.js
│ └── Remote Config/
│ ├── RemoteConfig.ddef
│ ├── configA.rc
│ └── configB.rc

Here is the result

Successfully deployed the following files:


The following files were excluded by deployment definitions:
'Assets/DeployableAssets/CloudCode/Tests/scriptA_test.js' [CloudCode.ddef]
'Assets/DeployableAssets/CloudCode/Tests/scriptB_test.js' [CloudCode.ddef]


Using the fetch command on a Deployment Definition will fetch all files it contains. All files that are excluded will be ignored. The exclusion of these files will be logged.


Given that Deployment Definition files are local groupings for files and do no exist on the server, the --reconcile option will not work for a Deployment Definition.

Reconcile Sample Output

Here is a sample output for the following Deployment Definition and file structure. The command used is ugs deploy Assets/DeployableAssets/CloudCode.ddef.

"name": "CloudeCode",
"excludePaths": [
├── DeployableAssets/
│ ├── CloudCode/
│ │ ├── CloudCode.ddef
│ │ ├── scriptA.js
│ │ ├── scriptB.js
│ │ └── Tests/
│ │ ├── scriptA_test.js
│ │ └── scriptB_test.js
│ └── Remote Config/
│ ├── RemoteConfig.ddef
│ ├── configA.rc
│ └── configB.rc

Here is the result

Successfully fetched the following files:


The following files were excluded by deployment definitions:
'Assets/DeployableAssets/CloudCode/Tests/scriptA_test.js' [CloudCode.ddef]
'Assets/DeployableAssets/CloudCode/Tests/scriptB_test.js' [CloudCode.ddef]